Dr. Donna J. Thompson was a Professor in Physical Education at the University of Northern Iowa for over 35 years. In September 1995, she submitted A proposal to establish a program for playground safety to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Centers for Disease Control. She was awarded a 3-year grant and collaborated with faculty around the world who were scholars on the topic of playground safety. It was during the first two years, when Dr. Thompson and colleagues identified the naming of the National Program for Playground Safety (NPPS). She served as the Executive Director of NPPS for over 20 years.

Dr. Thompson’s research and passion lay in ensuring the well-being and safety of children, particularly in play spaces and playgrounds found in public spaces. Her doctoral dissertation examined the physical movement and play patterns of children using playground equipment. She made significant contributions to professional organizations related to early childhood education, recreation, health and physical education. Dr. Thompson’s legacy and contributions in promoting safe play environments for children continues through the establishment of the Donna J. Thompson Playground Charitable Trust created to fund the on-going research and work done by nonprofit organizations dedicated to promoting safe play environments for children. Donna J. Thompson Playground Charitable Trust is providing limited partial scholarships to aid passionate individuals in renewing various playground safety certifications and/or trainings. If you are one who cares for playground safety, please consider applying.